Sewer Relining Done with Above-Ground Bypass Pumping
Road crossings prevent road closures during 5 MGD bypass
Major sewer relining in downtown Mobile, AL required an above ground bypass pumping system to divert 5 MGD of wastewater one mile through the heart of downtown while relining work took place underground. The city wanted to minimize road closures, which prevented any excavation in the streets. The CIPP work would extend the life of the pipe by 50 years.
By utilizing a system of multiple 6-inch pumps, 18-inch HDPE pipe, 16 Road Crossing and manifolds, the bypass was completed on time, allowing minimal interruptions to businesses downtown.
The city and Rain for Rent worked together to design a system that met peak flow and suggested fewer pumps, to minimize fuel costs.
Rain for Rent’s extra-wide Road Crossings prevented any need to excavate, minimizing road closures.
Rain for Rent provided 24-hour pump and system watch and fuel services to ensure the pumps operated as planned and there were no leaks.
The project was completed more quickly than planned, allowing fewer interruptions to downtown Mobile.
HDPE pipe was fused and hydrotested to prevent any leaks.
Noise concerns were mitigated with sound attenuated pumps.
The city, impressed with Rain for Rent’s timeliness and cleanliness, plans to use the company for future projects. The CIPP contractor commented that this bypass was the best he had ever seen.
Products in
This Case Study
- DV150i HD 6"x6" PumpView Unit ›
- 8" x 20' Road CrossingView Unit ›