Waste Reduced with Pipeline Hydrotest Filtration System

Time and money saved with naval fuel pipeline hydrotesting

To ensure proper infrastructure maintenance at a Southeastern U.S. naval air strip, a pipeline service company was contracted to perform vital hydrotesting of a key jet fuel pipeline.

Having established a previous working partnership with Rain for Rent, the pipeline service company opted for a single-source solution for their hydrotest fluid storage, filtration and contingency spill containment protection.

A filtration system was designed to reduce wastewater disposal costs for the contractor. More than 158,000 gallons of hydrotest and pipeline pigging fluid were captured, pumped and filtered. By filtering the produced water, fewer vacuum truck trips were needed to move waste offsite for treatment.

Thanks to the responsiveness of Rain for Rent, the pipeline service company was put ahead of schedule, reducing its costs and providing a safety-conscious and proven hydrotest water filtration system.

Communication and safety were key decision factors in choosing Rain for Rent as noted by the president of the pipeline service company in an email.

“It’s not just the equipment that you rent. It’s also the people that build and maintain the relationships with clients and potential clients. One without the other is useless.”

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