Solve your track-out problems with the modular Wheel Wash system. MobyDick, the worldwide leader in wheel wash technology has joined forces with Rain for Rent for temporary use Wheel Wash systems on remediation, construction and any jobsite that needs the benefit of an efficient and cost effective wheel wash system.

How to plan for your Conline Wheel Wash system needs:
- Determine the stickiness of your jobsite’s sediment. Our 1-10 soiling scale considers a 1 as beach sand and 10 as clay that sticks between the rear dual tires. See the soiling chart below for Conline capabilities.
- A system may be able to wash off sand and granular soils in just one tire revolution. Sticky clays may require a platform long enough for the tires to make three or more tire revolutions.
- If your jobsite sediment requires custom features, Moby Dick and Rain for Rent will work together to provide you a Tailor Made Wheel Wash system.
- Remember to plan and size the recycled water and solid separation systems proportionally to the traffic volume and soiling amounts on your jobsite.
- Let Rain for Rent help you design a system to incorporate space constraints of wheel wash and recycling/sludge settlement needs.
- Plan your haul roads and other traffic areas to minimize travel distances. Avoid dirt and mud before vehicles enter the wheel wash when possible.
- Use a flocculent to help increase the amount of sediment that drops out of suspension and water clarity. Clear water maximizes the wheel wash’s cleaning ability.
- Consider using passive rumble strips or mud pads in addition to the active spray wheel wash Conline system.