Rain for Rent’s full line of rental equipment and HaloSource’s suite of HaloKlear products allows our customers to treat a wide variety of pollutants and contaminants including total suspended solids (TSS), algae, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, oils and organic compounds.
Here’s a few industries Rain for Rent serves with HaloSource filtration:
Companies often face fines, upwards of $10,000 per day, or complete project shut down when stormwater compliance requirements are not met during construction. HaloKlear’s all-natural Dual Polymer System (DPS) can be applied in passive, semi-passive, or active treatment systems to reduce turbidity to well below discharge requirements.
Oil & Gas
In conventional oil wells, HaloKlear BHR-P50 flocculates the flowback water, creating a three-phase separation (crude oil, water, and sediment). This feature not only produces cleaner water to reuse in the wells, but also results in higher-grade oil recovered for the exploration company.
High pressure water evacuating is used to “drill” tunnels under the highway. This process produces a very thick mud and water slurry that cannot be discharged on-site. HaloKlear TW-10 can dewater the mud and produce water to re-use in the high pressure jetting process or for site dust control. The solids are stored on-site and used as backfill on the project. This new process can save companies 40 – 65% each month.
Frac sand mines with limited space require treatment systems for the stormwater collected on-site. During rain events, sand from the site is washed into and held in retention ponds with turbidity levels averaging 1200 NTU. Traditional treatment chemicals cannot be used because of the high dose that would be required to clear the extremely turbid water or due to the high toxicity levels. HaloKlear plant-based polymers can effectively reduce turbidity to single-digit NTUs and are fully biodegradable.
HaloKlear Product Line
- All natural, 100% biodegradable
- Patented Dural Polymer System (DPS) offers unmatched performance
- Naturally derived polymers
- Modified to hold various levels of charge
- Greener alternative to commodity chemicals
- Substantially free of iron and sulfates