CA High Speed Rail Services
Rain for Rent can keep you up and running while the High Speed Rail construction affects your operation.
For help or more information
Rain for Rent can:
- Re-route underground sub-main and mainline
- Develop wells, install casings, and install or refurbish pumps
- Engineer new reservoir and irrigation systems
- Provide filter stations
- Mainline Re-routing
- Easements for the High Speed Rail may cut through your irrigation mainlines. Rain for Rent can reroute underground pipelines and mainline.
Mainline re-routing for the California High Speed Rail
Well Services
Rain for Rent provides well development and casing installation for new or existing systems. Our team can also install or refurbish pumps.
When you need pre-wet, utilize our clearwater and agricultural pumps.
Flowmeter & Tranducers
Rain for Rent offers smart Flowmeter instrumentation to accurately determine your flow rate. In order to measure the flow of water in pipe, ultrasonic signals are used. The ultrasonic signals are emitted by a transducer easily installed onto the pipe with a non-intrusive clamp.